Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tell All Tuesday- How I got into photography...

I am often asked "How did you get into this?" Well, to be honest, I wish I could say I always had a passion for photography and that I grew up knowing I would one day be a photographer. But that would be a lie.

Have I always liked taking pictures? Absolutely. I've always preferred being behind the camera rather than in front!

It wasn't until 2008 that I got my very first "real" camera, aka, a DSLR. My sweet little Nikon D60. It started on my honeymoon in Hawaii with my husband where we had purchased a semi advanced bigger point and shoot, but I quickly found that it didn't do what I wanted it to do. I wanted MORE. I wanted faster. I wanted sharper. So, my very amazing, generous, spoils me too much husband, bought the Nikon D60 for me for a birthday/Christmas present (Random Fun Fact, my birthday is Christmas Eve!). 

I got a lot of use out of it in 2009. We were still stationed with the Blue Angels in Pensacola, Fl. I often would travel to wherever the air shows were to spend whatever extra time I could with W. My camera always came with. I swear, I must have take thousands of photos of airplanes, helos, and other air show exhibitions. Then came begging my friends to let me borrow their kids... which naturally, they did. Towards the end of 2009, our dreams came true and we moved to the land of Aloha. 

I spent 2010 and the very start of 2011 working at a doctor's office in town and to be honest, I wasn't happy. I had started practicing my photography more on friends and friends of friends at the end of 2010. It wasn't until January 2011 that I lost my job at the doctor's office and friend pushing me to do photos for girls for Valentines Day that I had even considered it being a possible job for me. 

So there it began... All with the simple idea pushed by a good friend of mine. 

March of 2010, I took my very first workshop by a wonderful photographer (and now friend!), Alyssa Turner of AlyssaPix. This is when it all changed for me. I really learned how to use my camera, how to control things, how to be AWESOME! Ok, well awesomeness can't be taught, you just are.... But you get my point. On that note, since I firmly believe Alyssa has been one of my biggest helpers. She is always sharing knowledge and fabulousness.  I want to make sure to let you know to check out her page if you are interested in learning how to use your camera- she often offers an "Out of the Box" workshop to get you shooting out of the auto mode. Its VERY affordable. If you are a mom-tographer, aspiring photographer, hobbyist, I promise you can learn something!

From there it's kind of history. I have been very very blessed to have a wonderful client (and by client, I mean FRIEND) base that has allowed me to stay busy, stay shooting, and stay motivated.

I could have made this post a lot longer with all the nasty grimy details, but, we'll keep it short and sweet.

Please make sure to send all questions that you want answered in Tell All Tuesdays to jwaltersphotography@gmail.com


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