Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday Catch Up!

Aloha from Florida ya'll! It's been a bout a good month since I have posted and I'm sure you're wondering where on earth I've been! Well, if you're a regular Facebook follower, then you know I've been visiting my family in the Sunshine State! I must admit, that while being home is extremely nice, I really miss Hawaii!

While I've been home I have had the opportunity to catch up with old friends, see my family, do a few photo sessions in the Tampa, Penscaola, and Jacksonville areas, and do some serious shopping!

I cannot wait to get back to my sweet iMac and pump through some editing my first couple days back so I can blog those sessions!

On the lineup for the first week back in Hawaii are some seriously great sessions! Starting off with a wonderful couples session, maternity session, boudoir shoot, childrens session and many more! May is booked full! I couldn't be more happy and feel more blessed than I already do!

I am some serious goals I'd love to accomplish in the month of May: become more organized (to include a better emailing system for me so emails back to you get answered within 1-2 business days and make sure checklists are getting done), stick to my working hours, finalize the details of my July special (Be on the look out!!!), and  really focus on being the best photographer I can be and make sure each and every one of you is happy. Oh! And blog more!

I think part of what makes any business a good business is being real.. I am not perfect, will never claim to be, but I sure as heck will always try to make each and every client happy.

I have so many ideas and projects to put on my checklist. I plan to spend more time providing information to you- everything from what to wear posts to answering your questions that you have (Ask me ANYTHING!)

I am looking forward to getting to know you all better and letting you guys get to know ME as a person better as well!


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© Jessica Walters Photography

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